School Plays 2024

Today our Year 6s have had their first full dress rehearsal for their end of year school play.
Entitled “Porridge”, the show has the following synopsis:
“When a crime wave hits Happy Valley, there's a caseload of mysteries to be solved! Who's stolen Ma Hubbard's recipe book? Who's kidnapped Marigold the cow? And what dirty secret is Papa Bear hiding behind his Porridge empire? It's down to Private Detective Jack Spratt to uncover the terrifying truth in this tale of mystery, mayhem and breakfast cereal!”
You can catch performances of the Year 6 school play on:
Tuesday 16th: 13:30 & 17:00
Wednesday 17th: 17:00
Also, a reminder that the Year 2 end of year play can be seen this Friday (12th) at 9:15 & 14:00.
Please come along and support all the hard work both schools have put into their various productions! Please contact the office for more information.