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Year 3

Autumn Term 2 - Around The World!

Key Events
  • Monday 30th October – First day of term
  • Wednesday 15th – Monday 20th November – Scholastics Book fair
  • Wednesday 6th December 4:30pm-5:45pm - Books at Bedtime
  • Friday 8th December 13:30 – 15:30 – Winter Fayre
  • Monday 18th - Friday 29th December – Christmas Holiday
  • Tuesday 2nd January – INSET

The children came to school after half-term dressed as explorers, for our Globe Trotting day! We embarked on our first journey across Europe, solving maths problems in order to win clues to discover the specific countries we would be learning about. After that, we looked in our explorer bags and discussed what we would need to take on an adventure – the children had some wonderful ideas which we later wrote about. In the afternoon, we went on an adventure around the playground, taking part in an orienteering activity to learn some flag and country names from around the world.


The children will produce different materials to inform people about the different areas of the United Kingdom.


In Autumn two, we will be focusing our reading learning around inferences and predictions. The children will read the story ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ by Jules Verne and we will learn all about the adventures of the famous fictional Globe Trotter, Phileas Fogg. The children will consolidate their inference making skills with use and picture and text. They will then learn to justify inferences using evidence from the text. Finally, students will use what they know about characters to make predictions on what they might or might not do.

To help your child at home, please continue to encourage them to read daily and record their progress in their planners for the teachers to see.

Lead Text: Around the World in 80 Days – Jules Verne


During each half-term, the children will write one fiction and one non-fiction piece of writing. Within each of these learning journeys, they will learn new skills, practise using them and apply them through extended pieces of writing.


During this learning journey, children will learn about the features of a story. After that, they will learn to use conjunctions to express time, place and cause. They will then revisit using speech punctuation with increasing accuracy. Before writing, they will plan an adventure story based on Around the World in 80 days. Using their knowledge, they will draft their adventure story. At the end of the learning journey, the children will learn how to plan and proofread my writing for spelling and punctuation.


During this learning journey, children will be writing a letter to persuade Phileas Fogg to visit a country that he hasn’t visited before. The children will need to conduct research around countries they wish to recommend and will revisit writing skills around letter writing and writing in the past tense. We will also be learning to use conjunctions for time, place or cause, to add more information and detail to our writing.


In Autumn Two, the children will be focusing on the following units: Subtraction - The children will build upon their prior knowledge of subtraction and then apply this to subtract numbers mentally, including:

  • a three-digit number and 1s
  • a three-digit number and 10s
  • a three-digit number and 100s

They will learn how to subtract numbers with up to 3 digits, using formal written methods of columnar subtraction. Once they have secured an understanding of subtraction to solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction.

Multiplication – the children will revisit arrays from year 2 and build upon their knowledge of timetables and commutativity.

The children will then learn to solve multiplication questions using associativity and derived number facts e.g. 2x4=8, 2x40=80, 20x4=80 etc. The children will learn a new formal written method for multiplication, expanded column.


In Autumn One, the children will be focusing on Biology: Muscles and Skeletons. The children will learn that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement and will begin to explore how humans grow bigger as they reach maturity by making comparisons linked to body proportions and skeleton growth. They will also learn to identify how the skeletons of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians or reptiles are similar or different. The children will be working scientifically and will focus on:

  • I can set up my own simple investigation and understand the importance of conducting a fair test.
  • I can use different equipment to measure accurately using standard units.
  • I can record an investigation.
  • I can explain my findings - either by writing or talking.
  • I can make predictions and draw simple conclusions.

Food Technology – Children will be learning about food from around the world. They will learn to plan and prepare some of the foods they learn about in 3 stages.


  • Generate and clarify ideas through discussion to develop design criteria including appearance, taste, texture and aroma for an appealing product for a particular user and purpose.
  • Use annotated sketches and appropriate information and communication technology, such as web-based recipes, to develop and communicate ideas.


  • Plan the main stages of a recipe, listing ingredients, utensils and equipment.
  • Select and use appropriate utensils and equipment to prepare and combine ingredients.
  • Select from a range of ingredients to make appropriate food products, thinking about sensory characteristics.


  • Carry out sensory evaluations of a variety of ingredients and products. Record the evaluations using e.g. tables and simple graphs.
  • Evaluate the ongoing work and the final product with reference to the design criteria and the views of others.

In Spanish this half-term, the children will learn how to meet and greet. They will learn how to listen and respond to familiar spoken words, phrases and sentences for meeting people; Develop understanding of the sounds of individual letters and groups of letters (phonics - silent h (hola), ll = y (llamo / llamas), a o, ñ (español), e, I, u qu = k)

They will also ask and answer questions, engage in a simple meeting conversations and speak aloud familiar words or short phrases in chorus.

Children will use correct pronunciation (of new phonics sounds) when speaking and start to see links between pronunciation and spelling.


Crucial knowledge:

  • Children need to know that Information can be presented with text and images using software packages
  • Children need to know to change the font and size
  • Children need to know how to cut, copy and paste
  • Children need to know to insert images

This half-term, the children will focus on the concept of ‘valuing differences’. The children will learn to recognise that there are many different types of families and identify the different communities that they belong to. They will also learn ways of showing respect through language and communication, including how to identify different origins, national, regional, ethnic and religious backgrounds and recognise and explain why bullying can be caused by prejudice.


In RE this half term, the children will learn about Mary and the concept of Holy.

Children will learn that:

  • Mary is considered holy by Christians.
  • Christians use art and song to show that something is holy.
  • Holy things and people require respect and consideration
  • They have things, people and spaces that they may consider holy
  • There is language and actions that are used to show that something is holy.

This half term, using the Real PE scheme, the children will be working on the social cog. During this learning journey, the children will begin to support and encourage others. These skills will be embedded through the Real PE and Real Dance lessons. At the end of the unit, the children will apply these skills to a traditional sport of the class’s choice.