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Year 5

Autumn Term 2 - Out of this World!

Key Events


  • Monday 30th October – First day of term
  • Wednesday 1st November – Mobile planetarium visit
  • Wednesday 15th – Monday 20th November – Scholastics Book fair
  • Wednesday 6th December 4:30pm-5:45pm - Books at Bedtime
  • Friday 8th December 13:30 – 15:30 – Winter Fayre
  • Monday 18th - Friday 29th December – Christmas Holiday
  • Tuesday 2nd January – INSET

To launch this project, the children will have a visit from the mobile planetarium. Each class will have a session in the planetarium where they will be immersed in our solar system. They will build upon this experience by learning more about Earth and space during their science lessons.


The children will share all of their learning from the, ‘Out of this World’ project during their celebration of learning. They will share their learning about space, including their non-chronological reports about their own planets.


In autumn two, children will begin by learning how to identify the meaning of words in context. They will then use this knowledge to help them understand more about the language choices authors make. After this, the children will revisit their understanding of non-fiction texts by exploring a range of texts about space. They will learn how the structure, presentation and language of the text contributes to its meaning as well as revisiting their knowledge of retrieving and recording information.

To help your child at home, please continue to encourage them to read daily and record their progress in their planners for the teachers to see. 

Lead Text: The Day No One Woke Up - Polly Ho-Yen


During each half-term, the children will write one fiction and one non-fiction piece of writing. Within each of these learning journeys, they will learn new skills, practise using them and apply them through extended pieces of writing.


During this learning journey, the children will be writing their own short story to share with year 4. First, they will revisit their understanding of narratives. They will then learn how to use figurative language to describe settings and create atmosphere. The children will revisit their understanding of cohesion and how dialogue is used to convey characters and advance the action. Finally, they will apply these skills when planning, drafting and editing their short stories.


During this learning journey, the children will write a non-chronological report about their own planet. This learning journey will begin with the children revisiting their understanding of non-chronological reports and how these are written to give the reader information about a specific subject area. They will then learn how to use organisational and presentational devices to structure their text. This will include using headings, sub-headings, diagrams, pictures and captions. Finally, they will design their own planet, draft and edit their non-chronological report about it.


The spelling patterns the children will learn this half-term are:

  • Pattern: Words ending in –ant, –ance/–ancy, –ent, –ence/–ency
  • Pattern: Revisit –tious, -cious, -cial,
  • Pattern: able, -ably, -ible, -ibly
  • Revisit Years 5 & 6 wordlist

In autumn two, the children will be focusing on the following units:

  • Statistics - The children will revisit their understanding of line graphs. They will then build on this prior knowledge by drawing their own line graphs and reading them to solve problems. Finally, they will be introduced to reading and interpreting tables and two-way tables for the first time.
  • Multiplication and division – The children will revisit their understanding of recognising and using factor pairs. They will then build on this by identifying multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers. Children will then learn about prime numbers, prime factors and composite numbers. Finally, they will multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
  • Perimeter and area – The children will revisit their understanding of how to calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure in centimetres and metres. They will then build on this by calculating the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres. Children will then calculate and compare the area of rectangles in square centimetres and square metres, and estimate the area of irregular shapes.

In autumn two, children will be taught to describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. Children will build on this knowledge to describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth. Children will then learn to describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies. Finally, children will use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky. Throughout Science lessons, children will learn that the Sun is a star at the centre of our solar system and that it has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Children will work scientifically by understanding how the geocentric model of the solar system gave way to the heliocentric model by considering the work of scientists such as Ptolemy and Copernicus.

Design & Technology

In DT this half term, the children will be revisiting the technical knowledge associated with mechanical systems and using their understanding of levers, flaps and pop-ups to make a Christmas card with moveable parts. They will revisit the components of mechanical systems including fixed and loose pivots, levers and linkage systems and guides and bridges, and recap the associated vocabulary. They will be using their own research to design, create and evaluate their product with a particular focus on ensuring that their card meets the requirements of their intended user.


In Spanish this half-term, as part of their ‘Schools and Opinions topic, the children will be learning lots of new vocabulary related to school and the subjects they study. They will express their likes and dislikes and be able to explain why. This will really boost their conversational skills.

They will be learning new vocabulary associated with:

  • School subjects
  • School locations
  • Verb phrases such as: ‘Me gusta/me encanta’
  • Use because/’porque’ to explain why
  • Adjectives to describe a subject.

The year five Computing learning journey for this half-term focuses on the concept of ‘Code’ through the creation of a music composition on Scratch software. The children will revisit their knowledge of variables, selection and algorithms. The children will then learn about loop blocks and how to create an algorithm with musical notes to play a tune. The children will then be able to apply these skills to plan a soundtrack where their narrative fits the music notes used and program this into Scratch. Finally, children will evaluate their own work and identify any errors.


This half-term, the children will focus on the concept, ‘Valuing Difference’. The children will learn about key qualities of friendship and explain why friendships sometimes end. They will learn about the importance of demonstrating respectfulness when responding to others and responding appropriately.  Finally, they will develop an understanding of discrimination and its injustice, and the value of diversity within the school community.


In RE this half term, the children will learn about the concept of warnings.  This learning will build upon their prior knowledge of Christianity. The children will explore the meaning of the word warning and contextualise this by learning about the Christmas story. During the communicate stage of the cycle, children will express a personal response to the concept of warning and apply this by explaining how warnings may affect people.


In P.E this half-term, the children will work on their social skills. During their P.E lessons, children will learn to show patience and support others. They will also give and receive sensitive feedback to improve themselves and others. They will learn these skills through their dance and Real PE lessons.